For Parents:

When you and your significant other have parted, your children need not to feel that they have lost their sense of family.

Darcy Psychological Services provides forensic evaluations, mediation and coaching services that help parents:

   Preserve their sense of integrity as the guardian of their children's future;

   Make child-centered decisions when personal agendas threaten focus on the child;

   Find creative solutions allowing positive communication and cooperation about their              children despite past personal resentments.

Move on, with eyes on the future, not the past.

For Attorneys:

Darcy Psychological Services provides consultation to attorneys regarding critiquing adverse evaluations, advanced topics in child development or mental and chemical issues of parents provide court testimony as needed.

Phone Numbers:

Office: 612-235-6902
Cell: 612-759-1946
Fax: 763-210-6901

Office Address:

Riverplace Exposition Hall
43 Main St. S.E. 
Suite 228
Minneapolis MN 55414